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China faces plastic overcapacity; strains global trade relations

Some sectors of China's vast petrochemical industry are operating at half capacity as producers scale back.Read more

India may gain from trade restrictions against China says IMF Chief Economist

The US and EU recently announced higher import duties on some Chinese products and FDI from China is already facing heightened scrutiny in several parts of the world.Read more

US tariffs on China causing container and space shortages; India scrambles

US tariffs on Chinese goods come into effect from August 1.Read more

How to build India’s global manufacturing capabilities?

The Indian manufacturing sector stands at a critical juncture, with several opportunities arising from global shifts and local initiatives. But to take advantage of this evolving market, Indian manufacturers have to raise their global competitiveness, says Rakesh Rao.Read more

Indian automakers seek exemption from Chinese PCB anti-dumping duty order

Indian PCB makers say the auto industry hasn't given them firm commitments of volume, thus preventing them from investing in building capacity. Read more

China accounts for 50% of Japan's semiconductor exports

The value of these exports to China jumped 82% in the March quarter to ¥521.2 billion, the highest figure in data going back to 2007.Read more

Slow local demand & sluggish export growth heavily affect Chinese manufacturing

The US’ ‘decoupling’ with the Chinese supply chain is having notable impacts on China’s manufacturing industry, as some related companies are relocating or duplicating supply chains outside of China.Read more

Capital goods train delay hits India Inc's capex plans

Southeast Asian manufacturing hubs such as Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia are expanding component-level manufacturing.Read more

TFS launches ‘Make in India’ air quality monitoring system analysers

Designed to provide accurate data on air pollutants and gases, the AQMS analysers play a crucial role in monitoring and regulating industrial emissions, contributing to the government’s efforts in curbing air pollution.Read more

FDI inflow into domestic manufacturing sector expected to rise; MoF

As global economies aim to stabilise and grow, India's manufacturing sector stands to benefit from these developments, leveraging both domestic strengths and enhanced external support.Read more

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